Wedding Chalkboards: How to Craft it Like a Pro

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When it comes to your wedding, everything needs to be perfect, starting from the smallest things like the table numbers sign/frame and ending to your wedding dress and overall look. This, in fact, is a completely normal thing as this is the day we, girls, are waiting for forever. The day when we will unite to our other half and start a life together, so yes, it needs to be perfect. It needs to be one-of-a-kind and one that will be remembered for a long time.

And since being trendy and stylish is what we want, today we want to share with you some tips about the latest trend in a wedding ceremony – the rustic wedding chalkboard signs. Whether you are all about rustic weddings or you simply want to implement something stylish in your own wedding, rustic wedding chalkboard signs are the most appealing and trendy thing at weddings. And no, there is no only one size of them, in fact, they are available in a range of sizes, shapes, materials and for different purposes as well, meaning that finding the one that can meet your needs is quite easy. When speaking about the purposes, you can choose to invest in ones that you can place on the guest tables as a table number sign, in front of the restaurant as a wedding sign, as a sign for the bridal toast, as an “thank you” entrance sign, as some unplugged ceremony sign, as a message board sign, etc. The options to use wedding chalkboards are many, but the key is to find the right idea/s that can help you create a wedding full of breathtaking moments and details. However, adding a sign is not that simple, as eventually, you will need to write something on it, which is why we are here to give you some tips about how to craft them like a pro.rustic wedding chalkboard signs

If you want to sketch something, it is recommended to try it first on scratch paper to get the feel for the design you want. In case you want to write something, wedding planners advice to follow the rule “Less is more” which means that adding one or two catchy phrases is enough. Creating a neat handwriting and one which words are evenly spaced out can be easily done with the help of lever or measuring tape. Simple as that.

Another important thing you can do is to previously choose the font you want and after that practice at home. There are lots of downloadable free fonts which can surely ease the whole decision-making process. Once done, it is time to choose the right writing tool. This means that you can choose between chalk, paint pens also available in a variety of colours or inkjet printers that can be easily transferred to the chalkboard.

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