Cat Toys – Keep Your Feline Friend Entertained

Play is important for both kittens and adult cats. Along with toys, it offers a stimulating environment and can help satisfy their hunting instincts. This is especially true for indoor-only cats. And while it’s easy to purchase cat toys Australia wide (especially today when the pet industry offers various types of toys your feline can play by itself or the two of you can play together), how do you choose the ones that will ensure your pet feels happy, healthy, and closer to you?

Different Types of Cat Toys

Scratchers – Since cratching helps cats remove the outer layers of their claws and mark their territory, getting a cat scratch post will not only benefit your pet’s natural instincts but your carpets and furniture too. Available in different shapes and sizes, some come with an attached ball or feathers for keeping cats amused, and others with a comfortable spot where your cat can enjoy some of the many naps it takes.

Mice and Balls – Cats love toys that stimulate their predatory instincts and encourage them to chase. Mice and balls toys are soft, lightweight and some can even produce a crinkle sound which will keep your feline busy with attacking and grabbing the mouse. In fact, any type of ball (be it plastic, light-up, or filled with treats) will keep your cat active. And you may even be surprised at your cat’s talent at playing a game of fetch.

cat playing with balls

Fishing Poles & Teasers – Most commonly, poles and teasers come with feathers or ribbons attached, so all you need to do is keep moving the line and your cat will gracefully jump all over the place. It’s a lot of fun challenging your feline companion’s stalking and chasing skills without you being its hunting “object”.

Wands – These are great for waking up the inner hunter. Usually, a squeaky mouse is attached to the wand, which makes easy prey for your cat to chase and carry around. What’s great about the wands is that they’re flexible and can be easily bent around doorknobs allowing your purring fellow to play all day long.

Interactive Toys for Cats – Cats spend many hours sleeping and proper exercise can significantly improve their health and prevent obesity. Indoor-only cats require more stimulation than indoor/outdoor cats because they are less active, so the best you can do is provide hours of interactive games that will give your cat a good exercise. Cat toys Australia vets and cat behaviorists often advise pet owners to always have on hand toys designed to keep cats occupied, active, and mentally stimulate not only to improve playtime but to ensure pet’s physical and mental well-being.

Cat Tunnels – These are great for engaging playtime. Plus, they can easily be folded, allowing you to take the fun wherever you and your cat may go.

cat tunnels with bed

Laser Pointers – Aside from hours-long entertainment, with a laser pointer you can be sure your cat will get proper exercise while chasing the light beam. The play session usually turns into a lot of fun, so make sure to end it gradually, slowing down the beam to a soft toy and turn it off when you’re sure the cat feels the toy under its paws.

Puzzle Toys – Interactive puzzle toys can engage your furry friend in play even when you’re not around. They come with many pieces, like balls, for instance, which your cat can chase around the room and discover what’s hidden.

Tower of Tracks Toy – If you’re taking care of more than one pet, this toy is a must since it’s designed to be used by more than one cat at the same time, keeping them busy and entertained.

Feeder toys – Aside from encouraging your cat’s natural instincts (hunting for food in the wild), a feeder toy gives you an opportunity to control your cat’s weight and the amount of exercise on a daily basis. The best part is that feeders are easy to clean and maintain.

Things to Consider When Buying Toys for Cats

Catnip – A lot of toys for cats manufactured today contain perennial herb catnip. Although cats find the aroma irresistible, kittens usually develop sensitivity to it when they’re between four and six months old. Hence make sure your pet isn’t sensitive to the herb as it may cause over-stimulation which can result in hyperactivity.

cat on the floor

Cat’s Size – When searching for toys for kittens or cats, choose the ones most compatible with your pet’s body size. They’re small yet curious, and can easily get hurt while playing if a toy is larger and heavier compared to them.

Cognitive Growth – Find the right toy according to your feline’s developmental stage. For kittens, it’s best to get a plush toy that is soft, while for an adult cat you can go with more interactive toys, like circle tunnels that can encourage action and play.

Dental Protection – To ensure better dental care, get chew-friendly cat toys for sale that will also satisfy their curiosity.

Battery-operated or manual – Interactive battery-operated toys come with an automatic timer and are great for providing stimulation when you’re not at home. Manual toys, such as balls and wands, are ideal for quality bonding time between you and your purry mate.

Organizing Playtime

The best thing you can do to prevent any sign of boredom is to rotate the toys every couple of days, letting your cat play with a few toys at a time. If possible, consider having various toys for different activities, like one for wrestling, another one for seeking, and of course, one or more for playtime with you. And don’t get disappointed in case your cat finds a cardboard box more interesting than a toy you bought – it’s just how cats can be sometimes.

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