Basin Taps: How to Choose the Perfect Type for Your Bathroom

You don’t have to re-decorate your bathroom, to change the taps. They are used on daily basis, so it’s normal that with time they wear off, or you simply feel like adding a change to your bathroom.

But, even if you’re about to change the basin taps, you should consider several types as well as how and where you’ll mount them. If you are about to renovate the bathroom or just add a few new touches, the taps you choose for your basin can drastically change the overall look. Buying bathroom basin taps is a long-term investment, so don’t fear to spend a little more, unless you want to invest in new ones after a little while.

change the basin taps

Take your bathroom style and design into consideration. If you have a modern, contemporary bathroom, go for waterfall taps. Traditional vintage style bathrooms require crosshead taps. Now, let’s see what you should pay attention to.

Monobloc Basin Taps

These are designed for use with a one-tap-hole sink. A monobloc basin tap comes with a single spout that provides a mix of hot and cold water. The single lever handle regulates the flow and temperature of the water. If you’re looking for something that is easy to use, this is an ideal option. These type of tap comes in many different styles to fit the design of any bathroom.

Monobloc Basin Taps


Bathroom basin mixer taps are quite similar to monobloc taps, but the main difference is in the separate controls for the hot and cold water. Mixers offer you both modern and classic designs, as well as two-hole and three-hole styles. The traditional basin mixer taps are ideal if you seek elegance in your bathroom. Compared to modern designs, mixers typically have cross-head or lever handles and more elegant detailing.

Hot and Cold Basin Pillar Taps

Basin pillar taps are the best if you’re on a budget. These basin taps are also the easiest to fit. They are a pair; one tap controls the hot water and the other controls the cold water. Pillar taps come in both modern and traditional styles. If pillar taps are your choice, just make sure your basin has two tap-holes.

Wall Mounted

Just like tall basin mixers, wall-mounted mixers are modern basin taps and are excellent to use if you have a counter-top basin. Mount the taps on the wall, so the entire area around the basin will stay clear. These taps are ideal if you seek a more minimalist look. Not that long ago wall mounted taps were exclusive only for the most luxurious hotels and restaurants. But things are changed so today you can pick your favourite model from a wide range of wall-mounted basin taps. In fact, they have reasonable prices and now you can add some luxury in your bathroom as well.

wall mount mixer

Тhere are different types of wall-mounted basin taps. Depending on your bathroom style and preferences, you can find modern and traditional designs or designs with only a single temperature and flow control. The market also offers models that have a separate hot and cold water handle. You can also choose a model that comes with a backplate and models that don’t. If you are into the modern and minimalist look, it’s better to go without the taps with a backplate.

The great thing about these types of taps is that you can put them almost anywhere you like. It’s not a rule that you have to mount them where there are holes (your basin only). However, you should take things into consideration; even though you can place it anywhere on the wall, it doesn’t mean that you should. If you put it too high and water is going to splatter everywhere once it hits the basin. If you place it too low, you’ll face another issue – you’ll hit your hands on the tap or the basin every time you try to wash them.

High Rise

These taps come in various styles. A high rise basin tap is similar to a monobloc tap but is much taller in design, which makes it ideal for attaching it to a worktop. This way it can be used with a countertop sink. If you decide to go for a chic look, you can go with a waterfall design.

rise basin tap

Ceramic Disc

Most bathroom taps include ceramic disc cartridges instead of rubber washers. The ceramic disc ensures no leaks, and you should only turn the handle to ninety degrees to switch the tap on or off.

In the past, aps and shower fittings used rubber washers to stop dripping. This is a simple method that functioned well, but the washer would eventually wear out and the dripping was inevitable.

Ceramic disc technology is an ideal solution to the dripping problem, and it has various advantages. These discs are more hardwearing than rubber and have a higher resistance to erosion caused by water seepage. This means that ceramic discs will last for a long time before you’ll need to replace them. The discs will erode instead the valve metal (as the water flows between the two discs).

A ceramic disc cartridge comes with two ceramic discs, each one has two holes; for mixer taps or one hole for a pillar tap. One disc is fixed in position and the other moves with the tap handle. When the discs are aligned, the water will flow through the tap, and when they aren’t aligned, the water will stop.

Your basin taps will either make or break the entire look of your bathroom. Besides the design, finish, colour and style, it’s essential that you chose a model that is durable, made of materials that won’t erode and that are easy to use. Before purchasing your taps, keep in mind the people in your household; who will use them, are there kids or elderly in the home.

We hope we helped you make up your mind and that you’ll get the perfect model suitable for your budget, needs, preferences and of course your bathroom design.

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